Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Happy hallowen!

Halloween 🎃
On October 31, Halloween brings out the ghouls and goblins, creatures, and strange folk. They come creeping about the neighborhood seeking favors over trickery.
People of all ages look forward to Halloween traditions. While dressing up and baking, we carve up glowing pumpkins. Children breathe life into storybook characters while practicing their trick or treat. In twos and threes, they traipse through the neighborhood, collecting their bounty in pillow sacks. A ghost, a pirate, a robot or Dorothy, and Toto. No matter their age, they come to the door.
If you are taking part in “trick or treating” this year, or any other activity along the same line - Please ensure you go with someone and stay safe. We don’t want any accidents going into Christmas!
Have a great day, and as I’ve stated before - Stay safe <3


My introduction

reetings! my name is Fakhri Rijal, you can call me rijal. and I am 13 years old, and my hobby are swimming and reading books. Nice to meet you everyone! <3

Happy hallowen!

Halloween On October 31, Halloween brings out the ghouls and goblins, creatures, and strange folk. They come creeping about the neighbor...